Real Estate Litigation

giving the keysUnfortunately sometime things go wrong with a real estate transaction. Sometimes you don’t come out of the deal with everything that you were supposed to have. Sometimes you need an attorney to help you regain what you were supposed to have. Not all real estate attorneys do litigation. If you are represented by am attorney that doesn’t do litigation, this could be to your disadvantage. If the opposing counsel knows that you are not going to court to press the issue, they may try to take advantage of the situation on the negotiation stages.

Ben Winter does real estate litigation.

A real estate issue may be that the other party did not perform the duties that they agreed to do. It may be that the property is not as it was represented. It may be that the realtor did not perform the duties that they agreed to do as part of the contract. You also could have disputes about whether material defects were with the property were disclosed to the purchaser in the context of a residential or even a commercial transaction.

Real estate litigation involves boundary disputes, title defect claims, property rights use. It can involve environmental issues with property. It can involve taking some properties by governmental agencies.

There can be issues involving easements on property or encumbrances on properties such as a lien or a mortgage. So really, a real estate matter could involve a homeowner or a business owner. It can involve a developer or any number of different actors that are involved in business deals and transactions.

If you have a real estate dispute, call our office and discuss it with Ben Winter.

Ben Winter, P.A. focuses its practice in the areas of Real Estate Law, Social Security Disability and Workers Compensation in St Petersburg, Florida.  For more information, go to our web site or call (727) 822-0100.

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